Fundraising Dinner 2025


Fundraising Dinner scheduled for 25 October 2025 at 6:45 p. m. at the “Salle Communale du Verger de Penthalaz”.

Place Centrale 4, 1305 Penthalaz

Mark the date in your diaries and sign up by email at


The association “SAREPTA Suisse” is a non-profit and tax-exempt association in Switzerland. It was founded on December 18th, 2015, in Penthalaz. Its headquarters is at Chemin des Vignettes 3, 1305 Penthalaz. This association serves as a showcase for Switzerland in Côte d’Ivoire and for Côte d’Ivoire in Switzerland.

In Côte d’Ivoire, our mission is to promote rural health and development through the construction, the equipment of advanced materials, and the setting up of medical centers in rural areas. Since its creation, the association has been able to repair the hydraulic pumps in the village of Tangafla and set up a medical center that for the moment offers primary care to a population of 17,000 inhabitants spread over 18 villages. Twenty babies have been born in this center. All this has been possible thanks to the support and generosity of the Swiss people. Swiss professionals also provide their support by making their professional and material skills available. This is part of the promotion of Switzerland’s skills and image abroad.

In Switzerland, we organize activities that bring communities together in order to sympathize and bring people from different backgrounds together around diverse culinary specialties. This allows the association to present its activities while introducing the Ivorian culture to the Swiss population. We organize fundraising dinners for this purpose.

If you are interested in international cooperation, humanitarian aid, and development aid, we encourage you to join “SAREPTA Suisse”. You will take part in an enriching multicultural experience.

“SAREPTA Suisse” is pleased to welcome new members for the promotion of health and development in Côte d’Ivoire. This is done through the design of projects, the organization of fundraising dinners, bake sales, musical evenings, and much more. Have we captured your interest? Don’t hesitate to call 021/535 00 54 or 079/399 67 24. You can also write to us at the following address: The General Secretary is at your disposal to answer all your questions as far as possible. Follow our activities on the following pages: and


Build and equip a health center in the village of Tangafla, Côte d’Ivoire. Why? 

Household incomes are unpredictable putting the people in a precarious financial situation since they depend mostly on agricultural activities. However, in this rural region farming is difficult because the fields are regularly destroyed by roaming domestic animals (cattle, sheep etc), and because the rains are variable from one year to the next with a total lack of water during the dry season. There are two government clinics, in Séguétiélé and in Kombolokoro, but they are minimally equipped and run by a government nurse without supervision of a doctor. Neither has a laboratory. Many patients are obliged to travel to Korhogo or to the Baptist Clinic in Torogokaha (42 km) by motorcycle or mini-bus in order to receive the care they need. Childbirth takes place at home without proper supervision.

Since April 2020, the medical center SAREPTA of Tangafla allows the populations

rapid attention in case of emergency, assisted deliveries by qualified personnel, and assured care for chronic conditions as well as the availability of health teaching to promote good health.

This Center allows

to save time and money on transportation.

Finally, this centre allows

an improvement in the state of health of the population, a lower rate of mortality and an improvement in the economic situation of the population.



Hand surgeon and President


Organizational Leadership and Secretary General


Tangafla village chief

I am the village chief of Tangafla and my name is Soro Solo N’golo. We would like to have a health center here in Tangafla. There are 18 villages surrounding Tangafla. In case of emergency, the only place to find adequate medical treatment is in Korhogo. That’s why, we are asking for your help to build a health center here in Tangafla where people can find medical assistance nearby.

Tangafla women’s group president

I am the president of the women of the village of Tangafla. Being a pregnant lady in labor and having to be transported by motorcycle to ride 40 or 50 km to deliver your baby is not fun.The lives of our pregnant women and their babies is currently at risk due to the lack of a health center. Having a health center in our village is not a luxury but an urgent need.

Ogari village chief

Hello! My name is Coulibaly Wotchonzon Bêman. I am from Tangafla. We do need a health center in Tangafla. Please, help us! Thanks.

A special thank you to our donors

Together, act for rural health and development in Côte d’Ivoire!

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