
M. Soro Solo N’golo
Tangafla village chief
I am the village chief of Tangafla and my name is Soro Solo N’golo. We would like to have a health center here in Tangafla. There are 18 villages surrounding Tangafla. In case of emergency, the only place to find adequate medical treatment is in Korhogo. That’s why, we are asking for your help to build a health center here in Tangafla where people can find medical assistance nearby.

Tangafla women’s group president
I am the president of the women of the village of Tangafla. Being a pregnant lady in labor and having to be transported by motorcycle to ride 40 or 50 km to deliver your baby is not fun.The lives of our pregnant women and their babies is currently at risk due to the lack of a health center. Having a health center in our village is not a luxury but an urgent need.

Coulibaly Wotchonzon Bêman
Ogari village chief
Hello! My name is Coulibaly Wotchonzon Bêman. I am from Tangafla. We do need a health center in Tangafla. Please, help us! Thanks.